Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Necessity of VideoGames

Videogames bring back our childhood, something we have wanted to do our entire lives. Deep down it has always been there, locked deep away, just evading our grasp; but those times have ended. These stressful and hectic lives we are living have become to common. People have needed an escape from those lives ever since they began , and videogames are the perfect release.

They let you live another life. Another one that you can control; a virtual life. One that sets no limits, provides no bounds; but an endless amount of imagination. Many studies have shown that vieloent videogames DON'T make violent people. Only people who have are already aggressive in nature are affected by violent video games.

A new era is beginning, no matter what you want to think. Children are starting to lay down there books and pick up controllers; there is no denying it. Videogames have gained miracolous populairty recently and it only continues to grow. Parents are in an uproar all over the word over their addictive teens playing too much video games, but whose to say that's "wrong." We are in a "fend for yourself" world and that can get pretty rough at times - especially for a teen. What is wrong with taking your mind off of a dog-eat-dog world and relaxing on a video game, or chatting on the computer? I see no problem personally.Videogames have made a world of difference throughout our planet Earth. I even seem more relaxed after playing them. They are necessary, and Fun!

Monday, August 17, 2009

In The Beginning

Welcome all, to the new Blogger sensation, The Game Guru, join fast, as popularity grows, you will be flooded with game reviews, recommendation and warnings. For my next post, I shall speak about the necessity of video games, but, I shall wait a little while for it. Mark my words, it will be excellent. Feel free to subscribe/comment, or even follow me at twitter!
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